Friday, April 2, 2010

Video Update

I actually made this video a couple of weeks ago, but realized I had uploaded the wrong video then, and then I realized that I needed to upload it to Youtube for it to work. I've come a ways since then! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Although he doesn't break it down like a lesson, this guy is pretty helpful as a play along buddy. His tempo is quite quick however.

Just A Little Mention

Hey! So I found out that I can make alterations to some of my chords, not only to create variety, but also for more effective and easier transitions from one chord to the next. Danny has taught me a certain pattern of chords, however, when I have researched the song tabs, there has been unique adjustments to them. I have even tried them, and they do contribute a unique sound to the song. In this way, I can gather segments that best suit We Are Going to Be Friends, and make it my own! This is exciting :) I am practicing very regularly now, and the most difficult part for me is transitioning from C chord to G, however, I have altered my G chord in the fourth line of every chorus, adding a finger so that I can easily transition into D chord. The bridge requires a lot of transitions, and because all of the other verses are repetitive, it adds the A chord, and creates variety. Video has also been very helpful for me--even though they all teach it a bit different.

I Can See the Light!

My song is progressing nicely, I played for Danny this morning and he is very impressed at where I can come since I started.-- Confidence Boost! I haven't mastered my song just yet, however, I feel the itch to try new songs. If it weren't for this very busy upcoming month, I would probably try new songs, other than those that we get at the start of EMUS. I guess that's what summer is for! I will be posting a video within the next couple of days to show you my progress.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ye Have Little Faith

Yes, I am writing a post within hours of the last one, and yes, this one will have a much more positive tone. I CAN DO THIS! I just finished a session (Sorry, no recording this time) with Danny, and I feel a million times better about this learning my song. I realized that up until now, I had been practicing chords, and learning them, but never "fitting" them into the song, and piecing them together. Now I know how they fit, and that the song is quite repetitive (other than the bridge, which Danny quipped: "We will cross that bridge when the time comes"),
I can practice whole-heartedly. I know the chords, and the order, and the fingering patterns, and now I just need to work on quick transitions. Also, matching the lyrics up to chord changes is a major help, because it will be an automatic cue for me! Five weeks, and I will have this song down!!

Danny is beyond a wonderful teacher. He makes himself available to me, encourages me, and shows me new things on the internet, such as Youtube videos (which teach it slightly different, and with less chords), and tab charts.

I can see light at the end of the tunnel,
You can do it Sarah!

Shame on me.

It is with shame that I admit that I have neglected my blog for a whole month. February flew by like a breeze, and now I am feeling the immense weight of catching up, bearing down on me like a ton of bricks. I went away for ten days to Victoria during the middle of February, all of which I did not have a guitar to practice on. These are not excuses, but only reasons. I feel like my hard-earned caluses have retreated. Tonight I will resume my lessons with Danny, and I suppose I will evaluate my situation from there. Perhaps I will have to alter my proposal slightly, so that I at least have something I am confident presenting. I have been attending the beginner guitar lessons in class, but I think that if I just focus on learning my song, I can get through this. Finding time is the hardest thing for me right now, and I am beyond overwhelmed. I really wish I could commit more time and energy.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Tortoise

So, I'm off to a slowww and steady start, consistently practicing for about 5-10 minutes (almost) everyday. Right now I am working on the chords, only trying to master them, while not learning how they actually fit into the song. This is frustrating because I just want to GO, GO, GO! Danny says I need to be patient, and that once my calluses build up, and I can start transitioning from chord to chord, then we will start putting the segments together. I guess I am frustrated, but it is part of the process. Lately, the anxiety of the overwhelming workload of five classes has instilled fear that my final practical exam will be a flop. What if I can not play the whole song, and only a part of it? Is it enough to only learn one song? I guess we will find out.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Learning Proposal

A. My Goal: The goal for me this semester is, foremost, to become comfortable with the guitar as an instrument. Second, I would like to learn and perfect the D, C, A, and G chords involved in the song “You and Me Are Gonna Be Friends” by The White Stripes. It is a simple song in that the fingering is not too complicated, but complicated in that it has 4 different chords in it, and complicated enough for a beginner.

B. Learning Materials: My brother, Danny, will be my most important tool in this endeavour. Although he is not a professional guitar player, he is extremely good at it, and has taken several guitar lessons throughout the years. He is also a very patient and willing teacher. I will also use various internet sites, including YouTube to learn how to play the song, as well as familiarize myself with other notes and chords so I can employ the acoustic guitar in my future classroom. I will be using my dad's acoustic guitar instead of a classical guitar.

C.Documenting Progress: I have already created a blog to document my progress. (
I will be posting journals as to how my learning/practice sessions are progressing. I already have, and will continue to video record some of Danny and I's sessions, and post them to my blog. I will be scanning any sheets and collected materials, including resource lists, I have found in my travels that I think are useful. As well, I will upload videos that I have found informative and possibly helpful to others.

D.Preliminary Timeline: I plan to practice 3-4 times a week, with at least 1 learning session with my teacher per week. I plan to record these learning sessions, and post them to my blog. I will write once or twice a week on my progress of my practice sessions. I also intend to research sites and videos that may help with along the way.

E. Trouble Shooting:
1.Procrastination: I have already got the mind set that if I leave it until the end, I will just cause more stress for myself than necessary. I really want to space out my practices evenly so I am not overwhelmed at the end of the semester, and can hopefully produce a worthwhile product for you!
2.Slight Tendinitis: In my left wrist, mostly caused from carrying heavy trays around as a server, I have a slight case of tendinitis. Twist my wrist in odd ways seems to flare it up, so I will take breaks so as not to strain it. As well, I will see if I can wear my brace while playing
3.Frustration: A common symptom when learning something new. I will remind myself that this is a process, and that I will not be a pro by the end of the semester, and that this assignment's purpose is to spark an interest and to hopefully utilize the guitar one day in a future classroom.

F. Critical Friend:
I have chosen my brother Danny as my critical friend and teacher. I will also be using my father as a critical friend, since I am using his acoustic guitar.

G. Reward: As my reward, I will reward my critical friend Danny to whatever he wishes, perhaps we will got for dinner and a movie, or I will take him on a shopping trip. I know it sounds cheesy, but we are very close, and if he scratches my back, I will scratch his back, and that is all the reward I need. :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting Started

Danny taught me to read Tab, and these chords are super easy for me to read!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sienna: I think "You and Me Are Gonna Be Friends"

My second sesh' with Dan Man (Danny, my brother) was completely productive! Unfortunately, posting a video of this session would be far too... how do I say? ... unprofessional. :) Although a (un)necessary evil in my learning process at this point, I will spare you the explicits. In my first session, I learned an alternate of G Chord, and this session, I learned the D chord. Indents, and blood aside, I've learned that the most difficult thing about perfecting chords, is the unnatural contortion of fingers. The indents are nicely evolving into the much sought-after caluss', that will lead me to pain-free bliss. (I know, I know, wishing for calluss'?) Since the fingering is mostly repetitious, I will focus on it after I become familiar with the chords, and the lyrics will come last, hopefully, as a sort of cherry on this harmonious sundae.

Ps. I've named my guitar Sienna

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Clumsy Musician- A New Adventure

I had originally created this blog for my Education Computers class, and at the time thought it was pretty fun to customize and maneuver, but I had already decided it wasn't "my bag"-- I'm not the journaling type. However, when we entered the 202 version of Education Music, and discovered that our class was assigned the task of learning (or expanding our skills on) guitar, having never learned a string instrument, I decided that this would be quite a process for me. When I remembered that I had created a blog, I thought that this would be the perfect way to utilize my "savvy technology skills" to document my progress through posts and video recordings! Danny, who happens to be my brother, and also a guitar GOD, is going to be my critical friend... at his own will. (There were no knives involved in this negotiation.) And at the end, i will treat him to whatever his heart desires for being so patient with this clumsy musician.

And thus begins the adventure...