Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Tortoise

So, I'm off to a slowww and steady start, consistently practicing for about 5-10 minutes (almost) everyday. Right now I am working on the chords, only trying to master them, while not learning how they actually fit into the song. This is frustrating because I just want to GO, GO, GO! Danny says I need to be patient, and that once my calluses build up, and I can start transitioning from chord to chord, then we will start putting the segments together. I guess I am frustrated, but it is part of the process. Lately, the anxiety of the overwhelming workload of five classes has instilled fear that my final practical exam will be a flop. What if I can not play the whole song, and only a part of it? Is it enough to only learn one song? I guess we will find out.

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds great sarah! I love the song choice, excellent. I was unable to watch your video of one of your sessions but im sure it was tres fantastique!! My fingers are also sore (it even hurts to type right now lol), but we will survive the first few rough stages. Keep me posted:) Goodluck!
