Monday, April 6, 2009

My Final Project

Eleven hours later, and I am finally finished my final project. Aaaah, feels so good. There were more than a few bumps along the way, and there is no way that I could have completed this assignment without my wonderful camera man and critical friend Robbie. I don't think I can give him enough credit! Viva social learning!
I learned how to use a video camera, use a firewire to transfer the footage into iMovie, and then how to edit the images. I had to download an older version of iMovie since I was told the new one is very confusing, and because my camera was not compatible with the new version anyway. I have learned that video editing is a verrrry tedious task, unless you really know what you are doing when you film in the first place! I had no idea that it took about an hours worth of footage to make a five minute film. I am disappointed by the quality of the actual film, the pixel concentration (if that is the proper term) did not translate to YouTube. Although this project was a lot of hard work, it was so much fun to do it with Robbie, troubleshoot technical issues, and learned about the programs. Here you are, hope you enjoy:
P.s. The bloopers were just added in for fun, and are probably not as funny to you as they were to Robbie and I. :)


  1. Oh my lanta. This was not only really informative (I plan to pull it up in the summer when I begin sewing for the first time in several years), but the bloopers!! Ha, you two are quite the pair. Robbie and his labels. Thanks for another good laugh. Great work Sarah.

  2. Camera angles= sweet
    Commentary = superb
    Peddle to the mettle= radical
    Labels on the sewing machine= priceless
    Great work Sarah!

  3. Hahaha, I laughed so much during the bloopers! This is priceless, and it was very educational. You can tell that you guys put a ton of work into this project - from what I remember in Practical and Applied Arts 9, you didn't skip a step! Video editing is hard work but you pulled it off. Great work!
